I got the Kawa scrutineered first, and got right in the front row in the pit lane! The Jota also sailed through, and we parked that up in the classic parc ferme.
Into me leathers and after a short delay the seeded riders (first 30 numbers in each class) roared off, and then off we go! I went steady through the bottom of Bray as I was trying a different rear sag setting.. but it was bob on! So head down, arse up and gas open. I got in 2 good laps, not rocket fast but 104 and some loose change is fine for Monday.
I pitted after that, got me helmet scrubbed (fnaar) by Janice, quick drink and a power gel thing and off on the Jota. As far as Ballig Bridge that is... there's a little eccentric screw that limits the gearbox travel, and it worked loose, leaving me with a choice of 1st or neutral. It's a 10 minute job in the workshop to sort it, but nowt you can do by the roadside!
Hey ho. Still, I FINALLY GOT TO SEE AND HEAR THE MV!!! Woo! I had a cracking view of the entry to Doran's, ace spot to watch!

The Kawa and the Jota in the paddock

The Jota being collected from Ballig bridge, along with Janice, Becca & Ray.
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